Support SBES Scholarship Fund

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With the support of our extended community, we achieve great things at St. Bernadette Educational Services (SBES). We teach, discover, and serve because of the dedication and contribution of our alumni, friends, families and partners.

For nearly 40 years, our graduates have looked back on their formative years at SBES and we aim to inspire them to give back. Their generosity continues to create a rich legacy and the means to help current students become exceptional leaders of tomorrow. You can become part of this amazing work, and your support will advance our mission.

Scholarships and other forms of student support ensure that the most qualified students can attend SBES and thrive, regardless of their financial circumstances. We are committed to educating the leaders of tomorrow and supporting students as they pursue their passion to be educated.

Philanthropy from the SBES community provides scholarship assistance to students from all backgrounds. With your support, we can make it possible for more students to receive quality education at SBES.

All scholarships will be awarded to SBES students at the end of each term prior to the beginning of the next term. The Scholarship Committee will share the total amount of donations received at the beginning of each fiscal year.


All gifts are an investment in the St. Bernadette Educational Services (SBES). There are several ways to make a contribution – explore the option that is right for you. Also, you can designate your gift to the school or program of your choice or to one of our current initiatives.


The Adopt-a-Student program provides alumni, families and friends the opportunity to support current and prospective students. Adopt-a-Student enables tangible connections and facilitates lasting relationships that are important to future leaders, especially as they begin their journeys. With the  commitment of supporting a student for Primary Years 1 to 6 or JSS1 to SS3 to be gifted tuition termly or annually over a six-year period, an Adopt-a-Student donor will support a student throughout that student’s six years of primary or secondary education at one of St. Bernadette Educational Services (SBES) Schools, as long as the student continues to achieve a good academic standard.

St. Bernadette Educational Services is committed to increasing the financial support we provide to our students through the scholarship programs. This is a critical need and is our school’s top philanthropic priority. The need to give our children the best education possible is one that every parent wishes for their child, and helping a promising individual realize their potential is among the most outstanding examples of philanthropy. Your generosity can help mitigate the burden on parents and serve as a vote of confidence in our students, and an investment in the future of our nation’s children. Please email at if you have any questions or for more information.


Please Note: All the below listed accounts are domicile with the same bank


Account Name: St. Bernadette Educational Scholarship Fund
Account No: 1022165445
Currency: Naira


Make checks payable to: St. Bernadette Educational Scholarship Fund and include any particular fund designation in the comments section on the check. Please email at if you have any questions or for more information.


You can spread your gift out over the fiscal year by making monthly donations. You choose the amount per month and the number of months in a way that works best for you. Please email at if you have any questions or for more information.


Gifts of all kinds may be designated as a long-term investment through an endowment. Endowed gifts create a permanent legacy for scholarships, helping generations of students attend SBES, or talented teacher positions may be created to bring the best educators to SBES to work with our students. Please email at if you have any questions or for more information.

Thank you for your contributions to St. Bernadette Educational Services (SBES) and to the education of future generations!